When looking for your spa services, maybe looking for a mother’s day spa special or a Xmas Massage Package then you want to ensure you really obtain something amazing and the right type of massage for that special person,
As you go on your hunt to find just the right spa package for that special treat you will encounter so many offerings – many massages you may not even have even heard of – Lomml Lommi, Shiatsu, Tok Sen, Reflexology & many more. In fact did you know there are over 200 massage types !!
Without doubt the most popular massage types at 1028MorningtonDaySpa are Remedial Massage, Athlete Recovery, Deep Tissue, Hawaiian Massage ( Lommi Lommi), Pregnancy Massage and simple Relaxation Massage
For those that have issues with their back or calves or shoulder area then typically you require a deep tissue massage in order to release your knotted muscles.
ie: Muscles contain fibers that have layer upon layer of fibre. When you injury yourself, sit too long at the computer for example, then the fibres tend to ‘stick’ together and this causes a knot.
Sometimes to correct a knotted muscle it is a case of – no pain no gain however once corrected you can experience so much relief.
Deep Tissue and Tok Sen Massage and Massage Cupping can be a good treatment for these cases.
Just as you may regular have dental check-ups and regular haircuts it is important to regularly consider treatment to your body because prevention and flexibility is the ultimate solution
For the competent masseur they will be able to apply trigger point massage ie: alleviate the source of your pain -which may in fact be displaying hurt from another area of your body.
In Australia it is estimated that about 25% of Australians has a massage last year whereas if you go to Thailand it is more like 75% of people have massages
As we often ‘go for a coffee’ the Thai’s go for a massage as the Thai’s recognize how good massage is for your entire body
Often when you are having a sports massage or a deep tissue massage your therapist is stretching out your muscles and tendons The pain should not be unbearable and if it is then tell the masseuse to stop
A good masseuse will be able to feel what you can tolerate and will also apply as much pressure as is necessary to correct your issue
If you are simply looking for a relaxation massage then you should not be experiencing pain
Interested in an amazing massage – please go to 1028MorningtonDayspa.com.au
Escaping to the beautiful Mornington Peninsula for the weekend then make sure you book well in advance if you want to be treated to the Peninsula’s most amazing Mornington Day Spa Packages and Massage Services at was has become one of the most popular Mornington Day Spa centres.
- 1028MornigntonDaySpa is a Boutique location for those believing treatment and outcome is top on their priority list
- Time after time customers of 1028 Mornington Day Spa can be heard to saying ….. without doubt that was the best massage I have ever had and no one else had been able to fix me until now
Set in the beautiful town of Mornington this Day Spa is
- As the name suggests a Day Spa is located at 1028 Nepean Highway Mornington so it is extremely easy to find being on the main Highway into Mornington
- Extremely popular due to the advanced qualifications of Owner / Massage Teacher / Masseur Apple who has been awarded Thailand’s Champion Masseur status
- Thailand is the heart of massage in the world and Apple, a native Thai, provides the world’s best offering in her boutique Day Spa
- From the street on offering appears to be a normal home until your arrive at the rear of the property where purpose built tranquil rooms are on offer and provide your personal private sanctuary for those in need of treatment
- There are many days spas on the Mornington Peninsula however this one is very different
The importance of years of study of anatomy and different massage treatments has meant that guests are repeatedly overwhelmed with the result they receive She worked magic and was able to fix what no one else has gone near to fixing - Providing a number massage treatments such as Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Trigger Point, Hawaiian massage and also being a teacher of Lymphatic massage owner Apple also provides Lymphatic massage and more
- Additionally you can experience the very, very popular Facial – ever tried a gold facial where real gold sheets are applied during treatment? You can not only have a facial but it can be combined with Apple’s Korean Face Lift Techniques to provide a glowing outcome
- Being able to provide a number of different treatment types and frequently a combination of massage means you will obtain a treatment to best suit your body’s needs
- The difference between many day spas and 1028MorningtonDaySpa is that many day spas employ spa works that have usually had some training – which is typically in the range of 250 hours and sometimes there are no competency tests whereas Apple has passed many exams and has spent literally thousands of hours in study and also in practice and under of some of Thailand’s and Australia’s best instructors.
Apple, as mentioned, a National Thai Massage Champion, advises that her Mornington Day Spa Packages are most in demand such as:
- Facial and Massage and Massage Package
- DeTox Infrared Sauna treatments
- A must try is the 3 hour Massage Sauna and Facial package
- For those seeking a Full Day Spa treatment many come for a Detox Sauna and revitalising REAL GOLD facial in the morning, pop off to one of the numerous local wineries for lunch and return later for an extended relaxation massage before ‘floating ‘ home – sheer decentness
Xmas Gift certificates, Mother’s Day Specials and Father’s Day Specials , Valentine’s Day Spa specials are extremely popular for those wanting to provide that unique treatment for the one they love – wanting the love of their life to be really cared for by someone with ‘magic hands’ A Gift Certificate is definitely worth considering.